Are you a licensed pilot?
Yes. I am a FAA Certified Remote Pilot whom holds a current FAA certificate.
Where do you operate?
I operate in the Greater West Texas Area. Major cities include Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa and their surrounding areas.
How high can you fly?
All flights are operated under the rules and regulations set by the FAA. Currently the MAXIMUM altitude is 400ft.
Can you fly in bad weather?
All flights are flown with in aircraft safety guidelines. NO flights are flown in RAIN or excessive winds.
What kind of safety and quality guarantees can you offer us?
I work closely with my clients to not only capture but create the high quality end products they are looking for.
Can you fly indoors?
More than likely, however I would have to see or be familiar with the area to be able to give a definite YES.